Click "Start" to watch divvy traffic from 2013 played back in "real-time."

The little stationary circles are the 300 different Divvy stations across Chicago. Moving circles are Divvy riders. Blue for male, and pink for female. The number inside is the age of the rider. The slightly smaller moving circles that are randomly colored are non-subscribers whose gender and age is unknown.

As traffic accumulates, stations will grow and fight for space(you can separate them by clicking and dragging.)The inside will grow as riders arrive and the outer ring as riders leave. The color of both is based on the gender of the traffic.

The "subscriber" and "customer" buttons will chart the data youre seeing. Data is grouped by hour/gender/cutomer/subscriber ...pretty self explanatory. Historical weather data is from and should help explain traffic patterns. The "reset" button will return the stations to their original size and color, ready for a fresh visualization. Or skip the reset, choose a different date and compound the visual. Enjoy!